The new-fangled recycle-ready split forming films have wide-ranging applications in the medical field. These range from wound-care products, transdermal patches, fluid bags, and mattress covers, to disposable surgical gowns. Please check out <a href=”https://www.amcor.com/products/healthcare”>medical packaging</a> by Amcor, it really is the best of the best.
The film has been developed with the same standards as our other tried and tested split nylon solutions. But better: It is more <a href=”https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/environment-friendly#:~:text=(%C9%AAn%CB%8Cva%C9%AA%C9%99r%C9%99n%CB%88m%C9%9Bnt%C9%99l%C9%AA%20%CB%88fr%C9%9Bndl%C9%AA%20)%20or,possible%20impact%20on%20the%20environment”>environmental-friendly</a> while maintaining the same quality.
The healthcare device manufacturing industry has been dependent on nylon-based forming film for decades. Unfortunately, these have had detrimental effects on the environment. This has been the main challenge facing the sterile healthcare packaging industry. These devices include filters, tubing and collection systems, catheter drapes, injection systems, syringes, and many other devices.
Why can’t Forming films contain nylon since it is a majorly abrasion-resistant and strong material. Nylon assists in the optimization of packaging performance. Moreover, it ensures device sterility is sustained throughout storage and transit. Nylon-forming films are regarded as an industry standard. They meet governing requirements and sustain medical device safety.
Taking action for more sustainable healthcare packaging
In 2018, the World Health Organization found that nearly 90% of waste linked to the healthcare industry is classified as classed as being non-toxic. And it could be recycled, like most household packaging. Therefore, it is a wonderful opportunity for non-toxic medical packaging to be well collected and sorted for recycling in hospitals.
Amcor is presently working with Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council (HPRC)—a group of companies across the waste management, recycling, and medical industries. The consortium helps improve plastic recycling in the healthcare setting.
Moreover, Amcor is working with other stakeholders and recyclers to upsurge the acceptance of healthcare packaging utilized by patients at home. Issuing more justifiable packaging solutions that meet the definite needs of the healthcare device segment is not an easy balancing exercise.
PE-specific nylon structures have not been previously regarded as recycle-ready. Till today, the strategy is to improve the efficiency of PE-specific nylon thermoformed packaging focused on using thinner films. Hence, cutting on the packaging carbon footprint while managing to sustain sufficient pack performances.
We are now taking these enhancements to the next level. With an extensive method involving a variety of trials, the new-fangled Amcor HealthCare Sure Form Pro Forming Films are currently available in recycle-ready options that provide similar high performance as our current options.
The improved film will allow our clients to benefit from the minimized thickness of split-nylon films, with an additional benefit of being recycle-ready.
The Product Specifics
Question; Will the new Recycle Reedy Amcor Healthcare SureForm Pro Forming Films provide a similar performance while maintaining the equivalent amount of packing materials as the existing films?
Answer; Undoubtedly, the latest recycle-ready split nylon forming film components are still based on <a href=”https://www.askdifference.com/polyethylene-vs-nylon/”>PE nylon</a>. Meaning, that both the recyclable and standard varieties provide equivalent performance.
Question; Since the transportation of healthcare devices demands adequate protection, will the newly-fangled option of our products have similar sterility and integrity of the pack till delivery?
Answer; The integrity of the standard and recycle-ready options of Amcor HealthCare SureForm Forming Films’ is guaranteed with appropriate packaging design. This is implemented from point of order to delivery.
Question; Will the newly-fangled recycle reedy split nylon films from Amcor be compatible with the existing lines and machines?
Answer; The newly-fangled recycle-ready split nylon-forming films are manufactured using the same structures as our standard nylon films. Moreover, the efficacy of your lines will be maintained.
How to make the switch
Question; What should healthcare device producers deliberate on when changing their packaging to the recycle-ready version?
Answer; As part of this switch, numerous aspects need to be considered. In numerous case scenarios, this involves a thorough revalidation. Our recycle-ready versions and standard of the split-nylon films are affiliated in terms of generic film structure and performance.
Thus, this means that the peril of a noteworthy difference in pack performance is close to none. Also, the approval decision can reference current performance data for the existing, standard split nylon forming films. This will make the decision approval process much easier.