The first thing that you need to do is to create for yourself a clear vision or idea of what you want to do. You need to determine what your product or service is going to be, who your target market is, and just how you can genuinely and meaningfully help them.
Now, that last part is most important. You need to be sure that you are actually, and sincerely willing and able to somehow improve the lives of your customers. Selling a less-than-reputable product or service is going to cause a lot of damage for you and your business. …
Tag: practical
Practical Tips for Start-Up Entrepreneurs
The world is changing, the entrepreneur revolution is moving forward faster and with more clout. Technology especially cyber space has opened up the world; we can now trade with anybody almost anywhere. In times past we had to queue up at the library to access information, statistics and relevant data, now this is an issue of the past. The world is the oyster of the savvy entrepreneur due to access to unparalleled amount of information, to help make informed choices and better decisions.
Quite often a lot of us jump at the first ‘eureka moment’ without taking the necessary steps …