Judy is a photographer who wants to start a business of her own. She knows she will eventually need a business plan. However, before she undertakes that task, she would like to feel confident that she has a chance to succeed and what she can do to enhance her chances.
What should Judy do?
Judy should start with a business concept evaluation, starting with an analysis of the sales potential of her idea. This will require Judy to perform extensive research in order to understand her customer as well the market in which she competes. Her first step would be …
Tag: before
Need to Know Before You Start Your Online Business
It is clear by now that more and more people are looking to alternative was to earn an income by starting online businesses. The states of our economy and the evolution of technology are some of the reasons why the internet is becoming more and more a way for average people to get a chance to start a business.
Those who understand online business and work the business the way that is supposed to be worked, can generate solid income from it and even some become rich. Before expecting results online, you need to first and foremost learn the business …
The 3 “Must Do’s” Before You Start A Small Business
So you’ve got your small business idea and you want to start a small business. What do you need to do to get your small business off to a flying start?
I am going to share with you what I believe are the 3 most important things to consider when starting a small business, especially a bricks and mortar business.
1. Research
You will need to carry out thorough research on the products or service that you are going to be selling. When I started my first business more than twenty years ago, my original business idea was to open …
Coming Up With a Low Cost Business Idea Before Applying For a Small Business Loan
Coming up with the right plan for a low cost business starts with having an idea. The idea doesn’t have to be a complete or even an original concept. It just has to be an idea that will enable you to make money and get started with very little cost. Later on, when you go out to apply for your first small business loan, you’ll need to have a more concrete plan in place, but for right now all you need is a low cost business idea. It is the seed that will grow into the tree that will be …